Where has the time gone?

Well, it seems I have been remiss in my posting duties. I often forget that there are people who actually read these ramblings of my addled brain, and they arent just to supplement my faltering memory. If I was texting I would insert a smiley face at this point. Maybe an ‘LOL’ would work better.

I would like to start off with a heart felt ‘Hello!’ and ‘Miss you all’ to Dan, Liz, Kerri, and Dr KM in Aussie land. You know who you are. It has been too long since my last road trip, but the world has changed since then and travel isnt as easy a thing to do.

So…. where to start so everyone can catch up? If I type all of it out then this will be a small novel and I dont write as well as King or Koontz. So I will give a brief synapses and fill in the blanks later. Find something else to fall asleep to.

Most know that my dream job after Harley was working for the flight school. I thoroughly enjoyed the job, managing the maintenance department at the school I recieved my pilot licenses at decades before. I got to fly a lot, turn wrenches, tear apart airplanes and watch them be reborn stronger and better than they were. Alas, it could not last and the flight school went belly up. I was offered a job within 15 minutes of leaving the final farewell meeting of the school as they shut the doors. It seemed like a good opportunity, but it turned out to be the type of job I despise. It was a dead end, 8-5, M-F clusterfuck with bosses who had no vision and were jealous of those with real world skills. I was pigeon holed for 3 years until the dreaded Cov-19 hit and I was let go in the economic downturn. Most who know me know I thrive in an environment where I can use my mental and physical talents. Glorified phone marketer was pure hell but it paid the bills.

During the last year of employment before the evil spectre of plague decended upon the world, I had been working toward opening a small watch and clock repair shop. I was working through online and other classes for certifications, while purchasing problem watches and repairing them at home. The plague changed all of that and left me wondering what I was going to do with no job, limited funds, and the whole world closed down in July 2020 due to ‘infection rates’.

I will pause here while those of you who have known me for a while figure out what my typical response to this dilema would be…..


If you guessed I would say ‘Fuck it. What will be, will be’ and went on my merry way then you are right. Oh, and insert the little face with the tongue sticking out. Make it the one winking and sticking out its tongue, thats more my style.

I was able to be on sight as the last of my 40’×50′ shop was finished. I was able to be there when other friends had their lives disrupted by Cov19 stupidity. I was able to be there when my parents house sold months before they thought it should and could help them move. I was able to help my parents build a lovely 30’×14′ she-shed for my mom in their new place.

And…. I was able to finally take some time for me to start remembering who I am. Time that I wasnt on the go from 7am to midnight trying to squeeze in a full time job, side jobs, family, and friends. Its nice to be able to stop, breathe, sit down on a rock on the property, just let go and enjoy nature.

I will need to post updates on the gardens (yes, plural), car projects, building progress, random thoughts, pictures and such. But this will be in future posts. Hopefully not too far in the future.

Thank you to all who read this. Time is flying by all too quick nowadays, I will try to post more often.