By popular demand…

Actually, not so popular but someone asked…. so……

As most of you who know me should know, I’m kind of a bit of a prepper. What am preparing for you ask? I am preparing for retirement and I’m stocking my pantry and tool shed deep so I won’t be bored or hungry later in life. I don’t expect social security to be all that, so best I have all the toilet paper I could possibly use stocked before I have to choose between eating cat food or squeezing some Charmin. But thats not what this post is about. This post is about the spices I am stocking away so I can flavor my Friskies when the day comes.

I purchase my spices in bulk and repackage in smaller containers for my own ease of use. It also makes it easier to hand them out to people who might be caught short on something you have stocked or share the awesomeness of really good spices. I tend to share the spices amongst family and friends while putting the majority into my stockpile. I buy my spices from some odd vendors, but thankfully the majority of them can be easily found on Amazon. I’m not going to use the fancy little affiliate links that kick me back 1/1000 of a cent on every dollar you might purchase through the links because I personally detest people offering up advice for the benefit of others while still making a cut on the info.

The bottles I use to package are the clear plastic type with shaker or spoon/shaker tops. They also come with the little styro freshness seal that goes on top for long term storage. The ones I use regularly are:

16 Spice jars 6oz –

12 Spice jars 3oz –

The spices that follow are all ones I have personally tried, and many I have given bottles to friends to try, and these are the best of the ones I have tried.

Dried Basil leaves

Oregano – great citrus note when you smell this Oregano

Cayenne Pepper powder – careful with this one, used usual amount in my last ribs and people said it was noticeably hotter/spicier.

Whole Cloves

Pumpkin Spice mix – hands down the crowd favorite. This mix is amazing, the only spice mix I find I literally kept sticking my finger in to taste… along with everyone else I let sample it. My friend Dr.M may need help to break the addiction to this stuff.

Granulated Onion – awesome sweet onion flavor. Be aware that if you repackage you may be tasting onion for a day or so. Not that I’m complaining…..

Turkish Bay leaves – so fresh you can smell them when you open the package. The local grocer has bottles -> 3 whole leaves for $8, and not EVEN close the the aromatic and flavors of these bulk pack.

Ground Sage

Diced Dehydrated red and green bell pepper

Cinnamon – I used to buy William Sonoma cinnamon for the flavor when it came to cooking, this is every bit it’s equivalent. Rich in cinnamon oil.

Well, there is a good start. I will do another post with some more spices and another way to stock up some essentials that I enjoy. I will try to remember to do some Augason farms reviews too. If you don’t know Augason farms for storable food you are missing out. More to come.